Key Stage 4

Students on the Graphic Communication GCSE course are introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of graphic media, techniques and processes, including both traditional and new technologies.

The Key Stage 4 schemes of work are designed to allow our students to experience how it feels to work like a designer in industry, using the most up to date Adobe Master Collection software with teaching from a subject specialist. Students work to a brief, just as they would in industry, which receives regular verbal and written feedback to enable our young designers to challenge themselves and make progress. The students have two creative spaces to work from, a newly installed ICT suite and an Art classroom to allow their work to be explored beyond the computer screen.

All students have access to the most up to date Adobe Master Collection which is in line with industry standard. Students cover areas of study within Photoshop, Digital Photography, Typography, Illustration, Layout/Design for Print, Print Making and Advertising. Students can further explore outcomes including animation, packaging design, games development in their final major project in year 11.

There are 3 coursework units and an exam unit, where students sit a 10-hour exam in which they produce their final outcome.  This takes place around Easter time of year 11. The examining body for the course is AQA, which is also used for GCSE Art, therefor assessed on the same criteria.



Year 10 GCSE Graphic Communication Outline

Terms 1, 2, 3, 4 Students will be taught basic to intermediate skills on industry standard software (adobe suite) to produce a book cover and magazine cover. They must follow a design brief and will explore typography, photography, printmaking, illustration and continue their prior knowledge and experience with art materials.
Terms 5 & 6 Students will further deepen their knowledge of Photoshop, to create a self-led project to create a poster for a music festival. This project leads to the year 10 mock exam in July.

Students will end year 10 by starting their final major project ‘Campaign’ which is self-led, to create a personal and meaningful outcome. This will include summer holiday homework to research and respond to two artists.


Year 11 GCSE Graphic Communication Outline

Terms 1 & 2 Students will continue working on their Campaign project, as previously started in year 10. This will conclude at the end of the calendar year with an outcome that is relevant to the student’s project theme of choice. Previous years have seen outcomes including fashion branding, mental health awareness, storybook illustration, web design, packaging design and content promotion.
Terms 3, 4 & 5 Externally set task (Exam). Students will select a project title of their choice, which is issued by the examining body in the new year. Students work up to their 10 hour exam where they will create a personal and meaningful final outcome. The exam is usually sat around Easter.